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Information and political supplying of criminal policy


Almost all the participants in the discussions agreed that a departmental approach to registering crime and gathering statistics cannot provide an adequate image of crime situation in our country. The subject of the lack of comprehensive criminal statistics in Russia is described in details in appendixes. Here we would like to note that departmental account and statistics may have other negative consequences (violation of victims' rights, inability to define priorities in implementing criminal policy, etc.). Experts emphasized the necessity of creating research foundation for the concept of criminal policy itself, criminological monitoring, legislative innovations (in the field of criminal, criminal-procedural and criminal-executive law) and the reform, as well as necessity to conduct regular victimological researches.

Monopoly of a departmental science in the field of collecting knowledge about such social object as crime is, developing draft laws and state programs bears a threat of a catastrophe for society. The very nature of a departmental approach is in its emphasis on the interests of corporate groups and serving political interests on the spur of the moment rather than defining and solving actual public problems and forming fundamental, comprehensive knowledge. Without independent science it is impossible to define important social goals, mechanisms and range of activity for certain state structures, develop efficient criminal policy.

Researches in the results of affecting crime should be also regarded as one of the crime preventing strategies.



In the course of the discussion methodological problems of information and analytical supplying were touched upon.

While analyzing current criminal policy in Russia, social and cultural motives of its main subjects and those power structures, which to some extent influence this policy (federal and regional executive bodies, parliament and other bodies of representative power, courts, procuracy, etc.) are not always taken into consideration.

What does it mean: "a policy should be oriented toward knowledge"? Let us suppose that we know about efficiency of certain measures applied to persons, who violated the law, about consequences of these methods for society, about specific features of various criminal and risk groups. Do power and political structures need such knowledge? We should take into account our type of society traditionally responding to a situation from the point of view of providing better sustainability of social structures and people working in them rather than from the point of view of understanding the situation. When something negatively affecting our life happens, we do not try to find a rational, optimal way out, but instead strengthen our social structure (an organization, established methods of administration and activity), try to improve conditions of its functioning and, thus, to preserve (or enhance) our personal status and financial position. This is usually called a departmental approach. May be our social and historical code, figuratively speaking, is behind that kind of response to problems?

In order to design the method of using knowledge it is necessary to consider criminal policy to be a complex activity, consisting minimum of three layers: a basement, subjects and addressees. Developing criminal policy in a certain region, it is necessary to analyze a situation and connect all the three layers. It is necessary not only to get knowledge about criminal situation in the region, but also to discover addressees - potential efficient consumers of our knowledge. For this purpose it is important to understand the strategies of activity of various subjects of the criminal policy... Otherwise our knowledge will be useless.

Having defined subjects of criminal policy, we should understand who and how can bring about changes in criminal policy. Simultaneously it is necessary to provide information, analytical and conceptual supplying for the functioning of regional subjects of the criminal policy. Without such supplying they have to overcome the consequences of the devastating criminal policy followed by federal departments and their regional divisions instead of changing this policy at the regional and federal level.

Exclusively scientific approach does not account the fact that social and political situation in regions is constantly changing. That is why it is necessary to develop principles of researching changing and heterogeneous (consisting of many layers) object as well as principles of introducing (using) collected knowledge in practice of the subject of criminal policy.


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