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Information about the Penal System


Correctional Institutions for Sentenced Prisoners
(GUIN of Ministry of the Justice RF)

Latest Prison Statistics

On January 1, 2003, institutions of GUIN (Chief Department of Penalty Execution) of the RF Ministry of Justice held 877,000 prisoners, of which 145,000 persons were imprisoned at SIZOs (pre-trial detention facilities).

The rated number of prisoners (“RNP”) stood at 600 per 100,000 of population.

By preliminary estimates, at the beginning of 2003 institutions of all types (including IVSs, etc.) the RNP was within the range of 640-650. In the USA, this multiple is estimated at 710.

Groups of Prison Population in GUIN.

On January 1, 2003, these were:

- women: 50 thousand persons, including 9.4 thousand in SIZOs;

- children under 3 years of age, kept in Child’s Homes at female colonies: 528 persons;

- underage prisoners: 19 thousand persons, including 8 thousand in SIZOs;

- prisoners suffering from tuberculosis: 86.1 thousand persons, including 10.8 thousand in SIZOs;

- HIV-infected prisoners and prisoners suffering from AIDS: 37.2 thousand persons, including 6.7 thousand in SIZOs.


Registered with GUIN’s Criminal Execution Inspectorates were 641 thousand persons sentenced to penalties that do not involve imprisonment. Of this number, 32 thousand persons are underage.

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